Welcome to Roy Lambert's home page. I was born in Kinder, Louisiana on February 7, 1937, the fourth of six sons born to Hubert and Rozalpha Lambert.


I graduated from Kinder High School in 1955 and then attended college at Louisiana Tech where I received a Petroleum Engineering degree in 1960. Upon graduation from college I worked for Shell Oil Company for 16 years and then worked for Phillips Petroleum until retirement in April 1992. My work was interrupted twice by tours of duty in the army, six months in 1960 and eleven months during the Berlin Crisis in 1961-62. My first 48 years were spent in south Louisiana (Kinder, Lafayette, and New Orleans). We moved to Ponca City Oklahoma in February 1985.


I met a cute gal named Doris Richards in 1958 and married her on November 19, 1960. We met at church and are both still very active in the baptist church today. We have two sons named Jeff and Greg. Doris' home page has pictures and information about them and our grandchildren. You can view it at http://millennium.fortunecity.com/lincoln/456/



After retirement from Phillips Petroleum in April 1992 we built a home on 93 acres in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Becoming a couch potato has never appealed to me so I still pursue all of the hobbies mentioned below. These hobbies plus the myriad of projects on the property keep me very busy. Doris and I even have riding lawnmowers and it takes us about five hours each to do the mowing. We feed deer right in front of the house and have three to as many as eighteen deer that eat there regularly. We also have a pond on the property that is used mostly for entertaining guests. I prefer my fishing hole below the dam.


Hunting and fishing were always hobbies of mine and I added bowling in 1970 and golf when I was in my 40's. I still haven't mastered the golf swing although I still play a lot. My bowling was somewhat better than my golf but I never was great at that sport either. Now, fishing is another story. We live very near the Kaw Lake Dam on the Arkansas River and I have mastered that excellent fishing hole. We have four fish fries each year at which we feed a total of about 200 people all with fish that I caught.I don't hunt much anymore due to the lack of suitable hunting area.


I am very proud of my family. All of my brothers and I are still married to our first wives, a rare accomplishment these days. The family is scattered from California to Alabama but we do manage a family reunion at least every two years. My oldest brother, Norris, passed away from a heart attack in February 1996. Pictures of us with our wives and date of marriage are shown below. Neal, my youngest brother, and I play spades on the internet three or four times per week and really enjoy the friends we have made through these card games. Doris and I have 26 relatives connected via the internet which really increases communication and brings the family closer together.

------Norris & Ann-5/25/52------James & Carolyn-12/30/50-------Don & Dolly-11/6/58-------

--------Roy & Doris-11/19/60---------Bill & Phyllis-6/29/63-------Neal & Peggy-9/16/62------


I hope you have enjoyed this journey of my life. It was fun putting it together and remembering all the good times I have had.


Email: [email protected]

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